South Seas Resort

Cape Coral Cruise Club Boaters Enjoy South Seas Resort & Marina

By Lee Jetton

South Seas Resort and Marina was the March cruise destination of the Cape Coral Cruise Club, with 17 member boats joining in the fun and activities. South Seas is always a popular destination, and Cruise Leaders Phil & Lyn Quick hosted a record 38 members and guests on board their vessels participating in the cruise.  Although 21 boats had signed up for the cruise, 4 dropped out due to illness, business, or mechanical issues.

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SWFL Wildlife You’ll Encounter While Boating

Spend a little time in Southwest Florida and you’ll come face to face with all kinds of wildlife, but being out on the water can get you even closer to Florida’s first inhabitants! From coral reefs to canals, wetlands to mangroves, and everything else in between, the Sunshine State has some of the most diverse ecosystems in the country. If you stop and enjoy the silence, you may be able to see these fan favorites while out on our waterways.

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Cruise Club returns to secluded Useppa Island

By Terry and Laurie Carlson

Wednesday morning the 8th of November the marina staff at Useppa Island greeted the Cape Coral Cruise Club arriving boaters with both sunshine and calm seas for a wonderful cruise arrival. Eleven boats arrived at the Marina and were carefully nestled into their slips by the attentive Useppa marina staff. Cruise leaders Rich and Robyn McGloin greeted arriving members and assured a relaxing stay at one of the premier private islands in the area. Wednesday afternoon provided plenty of relaxing leisure time to explore the island along the winding, lush botanical trails. Some decided to lounge by the pool, walk the beaches or visit the historic Useppa Island museum.

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Be in the Know Before the Boat Show

We’re gearing up for our largest event of the year – the Fort Myers Boat Show! With so much to see, learn and do, we want to make sure you feel as prepared as possible to get the most out of your boat show experience, no matter what show you’re at. Whether you’re there strictly for the boats, interested in discovering fishing tips from local anglers, or making your holiday wish list filled with the latest gadgets, you’ll want to make sure you aren’t leaving anything out. Whether you attend the show regularly or are planning your first visit, you can benefit from our tips below.

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Boats in a Marina

Do You Have the Safest Boat in the Marina?

In 2016, Fort Myers was ranked in the top 5 cities with the most boat thefts in the country. Locking and tracking technology becomes more advanced every year, but unfortunately, so do the culprits. Thieves aren’t always out to steal an entire boat and are often looking for easier items to grab like outboard engines, trolling motors, props, and electronics. Big ticket items can come in small packages. Keeping up to date on the latest preventative measures can help keep your boat where it belongs—with you.

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Stern Access Platform

Boat Lift Customization

By: Stokes Marine

No two boat lifts or docks are exactly the same so chances are you’ll need a bit of customization to fit your needs. These needs might include washing your boat, boat maintenance, entering and exiting the boat, and accessing different areas around your boat.

If the dock does not wrap all the way around both side of the boat, washing the boat can become very difficult.  Washing the hull of a boat while being on the boat can be rough on your back and sometimes impossible depending the what kind of hull you have.

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