“Slow down the presentations and be patient.” says Captain Terry

Waldy's-(son)-SHANE(Ft. Myers Beach to Charlotte Harbor) Regardless of the full moon cycle, the cool fronts have definitely slowed down the fishing as well as the ‘bites’. I have worked the flats and back country ‘on and off’ all last week and have found most success working the mangroves, pilings and structures for Mangrove Snappers, Sheepshead and Snook. Spanish Mackerel, Pompano and Seatrout still roam the flats but have been difficult to find during the cold spells. ‘Off-shore’ fishing and reports have been far and few between, due to the sporadic high winds.

Fishing remained fairly good until the last two or three cold fronts but has deteriorated (slowed) as the water temperatures dropped. Shown here is a picture of Mr. Shane Waldy of Niagra Falls (Ontario), Canada with a nice size Seatrout he was able to land after a tough day trying to find fish of any size.

A couple of days prior to that I had the pleasure of fishing with Mr. Aaron Hoffman of Lakeville, Minnesota, pictured with a really nice Pompano caught in Pine Island Sound, just off of Wulfert Keys. His sons, Eli (only 7) and brother Gavin (only 10) are pictured holding Seatrouts. They both proved to be really good ‘junior’ anglers each catching Snook in the ‘back country’.


It appears that the weather may improve over the weekend and into the middle of next week. I suspect that the fish will remain a little lethargic (with the exception of Sheepshead) with the cooler water temperatures of late. I have a number of charters scheduled over the next several days and look forward to reporting those results in my future fishing reports. Until then, slow down the presentations and be patient. This is Captain Terry Fisher wishing you the best. Additional articles and charter information will be found on my website at www.fishfacecharters.com. I am easily reached via phone at 239-357-6829.

“Shrimp, live and cut Pinfish are probably still one’s best bet” Says Captain Terry

(Ft. Myers Beach to Charlotte Harbor) Despite the cool fronts and variable winds the fish have remained active at certain times of the day. It has been difficult to determine as to when to schedule some of the charters, as the fish are sometimes more active early morning as opposed to letting the sun and temperature warm up the ‘flats’ at midday. However, the facts are that they must eat, but the questions remain; when, where and at what depths?

Recently, I had the opportunity to take out some of my ‘favorite’ clients; Chad and Joy Wolney of Buffalo, Minnesota. Joy is a member of the Buffalo Wild Wings corporate management team. Last year I had the pleasure to ‘captain’ a fishing charter with members of that elite group, including Joy and her husband, Chad. We all had a great time. Needless to say, I was honored when they called me a few weeks ago to schedule a family charter, which included Chad’s mother and father, Vicki and Jim Wolney of Sauk Rapids, Minnesota.


Ironically, Vicki had never done much fishing, but before that day was over, we all concluded that she was not only the ‘most improved angler’, but probably caught more and bigger fish than all ‘onboard’ (including the ‘captain’)! Pictured here is the Wolney family with Seatrout caught that very ‘cool’ day. The bite was so strong that we had to return to dock to get more baits. Congratulations Vicki!

On the ‘cold’ days, I have been finding fish on the grass flats in five (5) to six (6) feet of water. The water temperature is now around 68 degrees (F), keeping the fish down. Snook, Redfish, Sheeps head, Spanish Mackerel are all active on a moving water. Triple Tails are beginning to show up along the buoys, offshore. Big Snook and Redfish are deeper. Snook will be found in the canals, around the deeper island ‘cuts’ and on hard bottom structure. The waters are clear, so stealth is the ‘order of the day’. Shrimp, live and cut Pinfish are probably still one’s best bet for any of the species. Angler’s presenting artificial baits might consider slowing down the presentations. Be patient, as it is ‘winter’. If and when fish are found, the bite could be good.

This is Captain Terry Fisher wishing you a great day of fishing! Fishing reports and charter information may be found at www.fishfacecharters.com. I am easily reached at 239-357-6829 or via email at [email protected] with any questions or requests.

Captain Terry says “I suggest going early morning for better chances”

(Ft. Myers Beach to Charlotte Harbor) Even though the New Year brought with it plenty of rain and gusty winds throughout our region, several ‘die hard’ anglers braved the elements in search of fish. I had the pleasure of fishing with many new clients shortly after the New Year and they were all successful in catching plenty of fish. Most impressive were youthful anglers determined to fish regardless of the conditions. Pictured here is ten (10) year old William Cawdrey of Cincinnati, Ohio proudly displaying just one of many Seatrout he caught over a two (2) day period of fishing the ‘flats’. His brother Timothy, only fourteen (14) and good friend Harrison Rodgers, only thirteen (13), proudly poses with Spanish Mackerel they caught. All three junior anglers showed exceptional abilities to handle whatever species decided to ‘take the bait’. They were all kept busy catching Crevalle Jacks, Ladyfish and lots of Seatrout on both charter days.

Another exceptional junior angler is Matthew Izzo (13), of Downingtown, Pennslyvania. Matthew is shown with one of many big Seatrout he caught in Pine Island sound during a half day charter. His father, Chris Izzo is pictured alongside his son while holding a nice Seatrout he caught. The day made for a great experience for both father and son as they caught lots of big Seatrout and other species. I am looking forward to the opportunity to take all of them out next year in search of their ‘fish of a lifetime’.

Fishing should continue to be productive with the ‘full moon on the horizon’. However, the cool front will make some parts of the day less likely to produce. I suggest going early morning for the better chances of big Seatrout, as warmer parts of the day have recently proven ‘less’ productive. Snook and Redfish are still active but hard to find due to the ‘skinny’ waters. Proven locations will still produce so long as the tide levels provide sufficient depth for the fish to get close to and under the mangroves; otherwise the fish will be elsewhere. Sheepshead and Mangrove Snappers are active most any part of the day, but my pleasure is early morning. Small bait hooks, ‘tipped’ with a nice piece of shrimp should get one a meal.

This is Captain Terry Fisher offering these tips for better days on the water. Check out my website at www.fishfacecharters.com for more fishing reports, articles and charter information. Email me at [email protected] or call me at 239-357-6829 with any questions or to book a charter.

“Canal and ‘up-river’ fishing should be good with the cooler weather” Says Captain Terry

Christoff Linder's SnookMaik's CrevalleFt. Myers Beach to Charlotte Harbor) Since my last report, we experienced some real shallow (‘skinny’) water in conjunction with a cold front and strong north/northeast winds. Fortunately, the fish remained active. Shown here is Maik Lindner of Frankfurt, Germany holding a nice size Crevalle Jack he caught in a Cape Coral canal on the way to the ‘flats’. His brother, Christoff is shown with his first Snook on an artificial presentation while trolling the canal. Both fish were caught the day before the last cold (cool) front. Once we were on the ‘flats’, both fishermen continued to enjoy angling Spanish Mackerel, Seatrout and other species.

Canal and ‘up-river’ fishing should be good with the cooler weather as Snook, Redfish and snapper populations relocate to ‘winter’ in warmer waters. The baits of choice for the canals will be artificial plugs such as, soft plastics, crank baits, twitch baits and top water presentations; otherwise expect to catch a lot of catfish.

On the ‘flats’, large Seatrouts and Spanish Mackerels will undoubtedly be the easier fish to locate and catch. Live shrimps will be the most effective baits. Look to find easy targets, such as Sheepshead and Mangrove Snappers around pilings, concrete and rock structures, using small ‘bait’ hooks, tipped with a piece of shrimp.

Until next week, this is Captain Terry Fisher of Fish Face Charters hoping that my report will help you catch more fish. Check out my website at www.fishfacecharters.com for more articles and charter information. I am also easily reached at 239-357-6829 for any questions one may have.

Captain Terry says “So long as the weather remains good, so should the fishing.”

(Ft. Myers Beach to Charlotte Harbor)Fishing continued to be good last week as nice weather and a full moon had the fish active. Cooperating winds allowed ‘fishing the flats’ with little trouble when the low tides prevented access to ‘back country’ locations. Redfish, Snook, Pompano and Seatrout have all been active over the past week with the promise for more activity over the Christmas week and into the New Year.

During the Thanksgiving week and just prior to my fishing and diving trip to the Maldives, in the Indian Ocean, I had the pleasure of spending time on the water with friends and clients. Shown here is Mr. Tom Moslander of Edwardsville, Illinois with a ‘slot’ Redfish caught under a cork using a cut Pinfish. His daughter, Maria Callis of Cape Coral’, is shown with her catch as well. Both fish were caught in the same location on a windy day in the areas of Punta Blanca Bay. Not to be ‘out-fished’, Mr. Terry Champion (Maria’s father-in-law), poses with his Pompano caught on another excursion a couple of days before. I have had the pleasure of fishing with all of them on previous charters and always look forward to our next adventures, in quest for the ‘fish of a lifetime’.

Tom's RedfishMaria's Better RedfishTerry Champion's Permit

It appears that our fishery is in great shape and so long as the weather remains good, so should the fishing. However, if and when a cold front approaches, I suggest getting out a day or two before it sets it and the fish should be feeding.



This is Captain Terry Fisher of Fish Face Charters wishing you a Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and Happy Holidays! More articles and charter information may be found at www.fishfacecharters.com. Call me at 239-357-6829 for immediate assistance or email me at [email protected]

The winds and recent ‘cold’ fronts have made it a little difficult” Says Captain Terry

(Ft. Myers Beach to Charlotte Harbor) The Ft. Myers boat show was a huge success with lots of people interested in many aspects of the Marine Industry including boating and fishing. I enjoyed sharing fishing techniques and offering suggestions during my seminars on how to locate and catch Redfish, Snook and Seatrout on the ‘flats’ and in the ‘back waters’ of the bays. Since then, I have been extremely busy with requests from clients on how to navigate and fish the waters in the Ft. Myers, Cape Coral, Pine Island, Charlotte Harbor areas, ‘on board’ their vessels.

franks refish1Additionally, I have enjoyed taking new clients fishing on my vessel. Pictured here is Mr. Frank Miller of Floren, New Jersey with his 29” Redfish caught early last week on a Pilchard in the ‘back-country’ of Pine Island Sound. Unfortunately, the winds and recent ‘cold’ fronts have made it a little more difficult but the fish have still been fairly active and the next week or so should be good with the approach of a ‘new moon’.

In closing, I will be in the Maldives (Indian Ocean) to do some diving and fishing for myself. I am looking forward to sharing those experiences in some of my next articles. Charter requests may be made via email to [email protected] or call 239-357-6829. Also, please check out my website www.fishfacecharters.com for more information and fishing reports. This is Captain Terry Fisher praying that you had a ‘Happy Thanksgiving’!

Captain Terry says “Approaching ‘full moon’ and hopefully moderate temperatures, fish should continue to be receptive”

(Ft. Myers Beach to Charlotte Harbor) Last week proved good fishing. The only inconvenience were the winds blowing 10-20 knots out of the North/Northeast restricting access to some of my favorite spots. Snook, Seatrout and Redfish have been my emphasis; especially since Snook season is in ‘full-swing’ and all species are here in good numbers up and down Pine Island Sound and Matlacha Pass. Grouper and other migratory species are closer to shore with winter months approaching.

Jonathan Downs SnookSteven and Jonathan CohenIn the ‘back country’, I had the opportunity to fish with Mr. Steve Cohen and his grandson Jonathan Downs of Lansdale, PA. (pictured on the way back to port from a day on the water).  I also took the time to capture Jonathan with his first Snook. It was only one of many fish he caught that day. He showed a lot of natural talent required to become a superior angler.  I am looking forward to taking them again next year.

Fishing will probably be ‘tough’ the balance of the week and into the weekend with the cold front and high winds. Nonetheless, with the approaching ‘full moon’ and hopefully moderate temperatures, fish should continue to be receptive to most presentations, especially live pilchards.

This weekend I will be at the Ft. Myers Boat Show (Downtown Convention Center), to meet and greet both past and new clients.  I am scheduled to do some seminars on ‘How to Locate and Catch Redfish, Snook and Seatrout’. STOP BY THE FISH FACE CHARTERS BOOTH AND SAY HI!

More information regarding charters may be found at www.fishfacecharters.com. I am easily reached via email at [email protected] or via phone number 239-357-6829.

Captain Terry says “Fishing has been real good with Pilchards.”

(Ft. Myers Beach to Charlotte Harbor) Fishing has been real good so long as I have been able to cast net and load the ‘bait-well’ with Pilchards. Other techniques; such as artificial, live and cut Pinfish and shrimps will also produce at certain times, but while the ‘white bait’ is still around, that is what I prefer using. Pictured here is Mr. David Boyer (Command Sergeant Major U.S. Army, Ret.) of Cleveland, Ohio, holding one of many Redfish he caught using live Pilchards. He also got the opportunity to catch a number of good sized Snook.

Dave Boyer Redfish
Last Friday (the day before the cool front) I had the pleasure of taking a couple of established charter client’s out to ‘target’ Snook and Redfish. Between them they caught and released over 20 fish including 12 Snook in the 24-26 inch range and 4 ‘slot-sized’ Redfish before we called it a day. Shown here is my ‘Understudy’, Captain Mike Wilson of Cape Coral, holding just one of many Snook he landed on Pilchards. The other client, Mr. Calvin Wiegers (of Massachussetts) is pictured with one of his Redfish.

MIke Wilson's SnookCalvin Wieger's Redfish









Fishing should continue to produce good action so long as the wind is not too strong. The tide movements are still good and the fish are fattening up for the winter months. More pictures, articles and charter information, may be obtained from my website, www.fishfacecharters.com. To contact me for a charter or any questions, call 239-357-6829 or email [email protected].

So long as the cold fronts stay away and winds allow, fishing could be good! Says Captain Terry

Mark's Good TroutMark SNOOK 10-13(Ft. Myers Beach to Charlotte Harbor) Last week proved ‘hard’ fishing because of the low morning, outgoing tides and north/northeast winds blowing out water from the ‘back country’, preventing access to a lot of good fishing spots. Nonetheless, my charters produced some nice fish in spite of the cold front that passed through. The fish ‘lay-low’ during the morning following the temperature drop, but by the end of that day, my afternoon charter client, Mr. Mark Ballard of Dyer, Indiana proved his angling abilities by landing a 31” Snook and a 24” Seatrout (both pictured here) on the river side around Shell Island.

Dads Redfish 10-13Later in the week, I fished the northern end of Pine Island Sound (Pineland) with my father-in-law (Bill Kern of Wentzville, Missouri) and found a few fish on the top of the outgoing tide, in and around the deeper mangrove cuts. The winds continued to plague the day but Bill was still successful catching several species, including the Redfish pictured here.

This week will ‘front’ a new moon, but those fishing the flats and backcountry during the day will have to work the lower of the two high tides. So long as the cold fronts stay away and the winds allow, fishing could be good for both inshore and offshore.

Check out my website www.fishfacecharters.com for more articles and charter information. Feel free to contact me by phone number 239-357-6829 or email me at [email protected].

Captain Terry says “I expect good fishing all of this week during the ‘full moon’ cycle.”

(FT. MYERS BEACH TO CHARLOTTE HARBOR) Last week proved to be productive fishing in light of the cooler weather and good tides. Morning or midday seemed to make little difference so long as one had the right baits and was fishing tide movements. I attribute part of the success to reduced water ‘run-offs’ from Lake Okeechobee together with reduced amounts of rain. In the ‘back country’, Pilchards have been producing more strikes and harvest for both the preferred species of  Snook and Redfish, while live and cut baits, such as Pinfish and grunts, worked well in the passes and offshore for Grouper and Snapper. Artificial baits have been productive for Crevalle Jacks, Spanish and King Mackerel.

This week should be good with the ‘full moon’ cycle providing good tide movement; but it is time to ‘get out there’ while the opportunities exists to get into the shallower areas as winter approaches bringing lower tide levels and slower water movement.
Kenny PearsonNicole Pearson Seatrout

Recently, I had the opportunity to fish with the Kevin Pearson and his family from the Ft. Lauderdale area. Pictured here are his daughter and son; (Nicole) showing off a nice Seatrout caught just minutes before her brother (Kenny Pearson) landed his 25” Redfish on the flats of Punta Rassa. Nicole also caught a Redfish shortly afterwards in the vicinity of Galt Island. Nicole was the ‘winner’ of that outing and I am looking forward to the next trip with Kenny and his family.

James WardJames Ward-2In light of the nice weather, a number of clients have requested late afternoon and evening ‘Sunset’ cruises to enjoy ‘dolphin watching’, serenity and some ‘family time’ on our beautiful waters. Pictured here are James Ward with his lovely wife Amy enjoying the evening with Harold and Carol Moldenhauer (James mother and father-in-law) all from the Detroit, Michigan area. They spend time each season on North Captiva and are seasoned ‘regulars’ to our area. Very nice people and I hope that I have an opportunity to serve them again.

In closing, I expect good fishing all of this week during the ‘full moon’ cycle. Fish tide and current movements with the baits that I have mentioned above and one should find success. Check out my website at www.fishfacecharters.com for more fishing forecasts, articles and charter information. I am easily reached by phone number 239-357-6829 or via email at [email protected].