“This week’s cold front and windy days will undoubtedly cause the bite to slow down” Says Captain Terry

(February 09, 2015)
Ft. Myers Beach to Charlotte Harbour. Fishing during the past week was real good for Sheepshead in areas around the Mangroves as well as in Redfish and N. Captiva Passes along the docks. Larger Seatrouts and a few Spanish Mackerel are being caught, but not yet in big numbers or larger sizes. Some groupers are being caught in deep holes in Pine Island Sound and the back country areas when fishing for other species. Small Redfish are holding creek mouths and deeper pockets of water along current cuts. Black Drum are active around the bridges and dock areas of the passes.


Pictured here is Mr. Dan Wellacher, Haley Roth and Sarah Waldman all from Auburn, Ohio showing off some of their catch for the day. Their friend, Mr. Jack Carson of Bainbridge, Ohio took the prize with his large Sheepshead caught on a piece of shrimp in about 3ft. of water. The group was a blast to be with and I look forward to doing it again with them.


This week’s cold front and windy days will undoubtedly cause the bite to slow down on several species. However, the afternoon tide levels should allow anglers to fish when the sun heats things up. The direction and strengths of the winds will determine locations where one will chose to fish.

This is Captain Terry Fisher wishing every angler ‘tight’ lines! Charter information may be obtained by calling me direct at 239-357-6829 or emailing me at [email protected]. More articles, reports and rates may be found on my website: www.fishfacecharters.com.


(Ft. Myers Beach to Charlotte Harbor) Last week continued to produce catches of numerous species including, Spanish Mackerel, Seatrouts, Mangrove Snappers, Snook, Redfish, Sheepshead and a few Flounder. On one hand; I am still disappointed with the size of Seatrout and low numbers of Spanish Mackerel on the flats, but feel confident they are coming. On the other hand; I am pleased that we have had a very mild winter thus far and the full moon cycle this week should only enhance the fishing. THE SHEEPSHEAD BITE SHOULD BE HOT THIS WEEK!


Pictured here is Mr. Larry Davis of Quincy, Illinois holding a nice Sheepshead caught in Redfish Pass on a small piece of Shrimp. Not to be ‘out-fished’, his friend Tom Haire of Buckeye Lake, Ohio shows a bigger one shortly after Larry got his. Their friend, Leroy Schuelke of Minnesota also caught his share of fish.


All three anglers are pictured behind the console returning to port after a great day on the water.


Also, I had the opportunity to take out three ladies from Canada, whom had never fished the waters of SW Florida. Leslie O’Reilly of Burlington Ontario shows off her first Seatrout. She caught several more trout and a huge Lady Fish. Her life-long friends, Kelly Jordan of Burlington, Ontario and Tracey Mihalus (Kelly’s sister) of Ottawa, both caught their first back-country Seatrout as well. These ladies made my day. The fun we shared is expressed with the picture of all three of them together.


In closing, I want to point out that lately the tide ‘predictions’ appear to be a little ‘off’. In other words, there is moving water where tide chart predictions say there are none. Conversley, there is no tide movement when and where there is suppose to be; so I recommend to consider going out an hour or so earlier and gauge it for yourselves based on the currents carrying your baits or look at the currents on the channel markers, then one will know for sure where to fish and when the bite should be better.

This is Captain Terry Fisher wishing everyone ‘tight-lines’! Call 239-357-6829 for immediate assistance regarding charters or email [email protected] Check out my website www.fishfacecharters.com for more articles and charters information.

“Sheepshead should arrive in full force with bigger ones being caught for sport and harvest.” Says Captain Terry

Ft. Myers Beach to Charlotte Harbor
(January 24-January 31, 2015)

Fishing this last week was fair to good. Unfortunately, the new moon phase provided the higher and stronger currents during night time hours when most of us were off the water. Furthermore, It appears that the weekend and the start of the week will bring cooler weather, making the fish a little lethargic. None-the-less, do not be discouraged, as the good news is; Sheepshead should arrive in full force with bigger ones being caught for sport and harvest. The best baits for Sheepshead, are Fiddler crabs and shrimp pieces. The Seatrout and Mangrove Snapper bite should be good on small shrimps.

Some Spanish Mackerel are being caught as they continue to migrate through the area. Hopefully, this week’s cool front from up north will move them south in bigger numbers and sizes.

Live pilchards are being netted around the Sanibel Causeway in fairly good numbers on either the early morning incoming or outgoing tides. This is the best live presentation available for Snook. Jack Crevalle are everywhere and love to eat them as well.


Pictured here is Aaron, Gavin and Eli Hoffman of Lakeville, Minnesota on their annual fishing trip with Captain Terry. Aaron shows off his first Snook (22″) caught on a pilchard while free-ling. Gavin (11 yrs) is holding just one of his many Seatrout he caught that day. His brother Eli (9 yrs), is shown with his Seatrout as well as a nice Gag Grouper he caught. I enjoy taking these junior anglers out as they are two of the better fishermen that I have the pleasure to fish with! Nice job Gavin and Eli! Practice casting and you will get your Snook next year.

Aaron's snook

Galvin's Seatrout

Eli's Seatrout

Eli's Gag Grouper

This is Captain Terry Fisher wishing everyone tight lines. If I may be of assistance for a charter on your vessel or mine, call me at 239-357-6829. More articles and charter information will be on my website at www.fishfacecharters.com including charter rates on my vessel or your vessel. Email me or my 1st Mate Vicki at [email protected] with any requests or questions.

“ Right now, it is all about the tides. ” says Captain Terry

(Ft. Myers Beach to Charlotte Harbor) So far we have had a mild winter and the bite continues to be consistent with few exceptions. A new moon is on the horizon and I suggest that anytime over the next week will provide good opportunity to get on the water and catch fish, even though the tide levels will be moderate. Early morning or late in the afternoon will likely be the most productive times. My long time friend, Mr. Rex Burlison of St. Louis, Missouri (pictured with his brother Ron), holding one of many Seatrout caught recently on the ‘flats’. Ron Burlison shows off his first Snook, caught under a dock while free-lining a pilchard on a circle hook during the ‘top’ of a moderate outgoing tide. Both anglers caught numerous other species, including Jack Crevalle, Bar Jacks and Sheepshead throughout the day.


Right now, it is all about the tides. Snook fishermen should concentrate on free lining baits along deeper tidal cuts around the passes, docks and other structures on outgoing tides. Sheepshead are biting good on small hooks with shrimp and crabs on the incoming tides. Redfish can be caught on the incoming tide as well, but in deeper holes around the mangroves with cut Pinfish and big Shrimps on the bottom. The Seatrout bite is good, but I am still looking for the bigger ones to start biting. Look for Spanish Mackerel just off the outer Islands of Sanibel Lighthouse, North Captiva, Cayo Costa and around Jug Creek shoal in Charlotte Harbor just off Bokelia. Fish for the ‘Spaniards’ with 40 lb monofilament leader with a weighted jig head and shrimp about 4ft. under a cork. No need to use wire leader or a ‘trailing’ hook.

This is Captain Terry Fisher of Fish Face Charters wishing everyone ‘tight’ lines! Charter information may be obtained by calling me direct at 239-357-6829 or emailing [email protected]. More articles and information may be obtained by visiting my website at www.fishfacecharters.com

“Seatrout and Sheepshead bites and sizes should continue to improve.” Says Captain Terry

Ft. Myers Beach to Charlotte Harbor) Happy New Year to all Lee County boaters, fishermen and fisher ladies! Being my first report of the year, I want to report that fishing has remained good. Coming into the full moon over the last week attributed to the bite. The new cold front has just arrived today, but it will be short lived, with temperatures forecasts to heat back up by Friday and Saturday giving everyone a chance to get back on the water and enjoy the only warm weather in the lower 48 states, right here in SW Florida.

The little fish baits are still here, but I admit, they are getting smaller and are harder to find. They are around the bridge pilings. I get mine around the A and C spans of the Sanibel Causeway early in the mornings. Otherwise, use Pinfish or shrimps. Pictured here is Brian Nagy of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania holding a 31 inch Snook he caught on a pilchard, free lined on a circle hook on, along a mangrove line of a creek around Shell Point.


Jack Crevalle, Mangrove Snappers, Sheepshead and other species, including bigger Seatrout are starting to become more active as winter sets in. Spanish Mackerel are coming into Charlotte Harbor and will provide good action off of Jug Creek Shoal around Bokelia. Fish them with a cork, 4 ft. of 40lb monofilament leader with a weighted jig head with live shrimps for good results (one does NOT need a wire line to catch them). Simply keep the line tight and only one in ten will bite it off. They should hold in about 7 to 8 foot of water just off the line on the outside of the shoal.

I look for the Mackerel bite to really heat up just before, during and after the new moon this month and continue through the month of January. Seatrout and Sheepshead bites and sizes should continue to improve. Remember, Sheepshead are ‘suckers’ for Fiddler Crabs, but will take shrimps as well.

This is Captain Terry Fisher wishing everyone a Happy New Year and ‘tighter’ lines! Contact me at [email protected] or call me at 239-357-6829 for charter information or assistance on your vessel. Find more articles and fishing tips on the links on my website at www.fishfacecharters.com.

Captain Terry says “The better fishing for the balance of December will probably be from Christmas Eve through the weekend…”

(Ft. Myers Beach to Charlotte Harbor) The holidays are here and are in full swing on the water. Lots of residents/visitors and boats enjoying area activities as Santa prepares to come with love for everyone. Last week has been good fishing. The approaching cool front from the Northwest has provided southerly winds over the last couple of days allowing access to Redfish in the back country areas around Punta Rassa, Matlacha Pass and the Pine Island Sound locations, south of the power lines off Sanibel and Pine Islands. My friend and client, Mr. Joe Garbus of Gator Printing in Cape Coral, is holding one of his many Redfish. His brother Jeffrey of Detroit had a good Redfish day as well.


The Snook bite is fantastic but is best on the outgoing tides with pilchards. The smaller Snook will bite on the incoming. The Garbus ‘boys’ caught a good number of them.

Seatrout sizes are still small but the bite is good. Spanish Mackerel and Pompano are here and taking shrimps under a cork all throughout the area. Watch for diving birds. Pictured here is a client/friend of mine, Ms. Shelly Briscoe of Wylie, Texas showing her last fish of the day; a POMPANO! Great Job Shelly. Shelly also had a good day catching a number of Seatrouts.


The better fishing for the balance of December will probably be from Christmas Eve through the weekend, especially if the southerly winds continue to support higher and stronger tides. Otherwise, work the creeks and tidal cuts around the islands for best opportunities, especially for Snook.

This is Captain Terry Fisher and 1st Mate Vicki, wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and ‘tight lines’! Check out my website at www.fishfacecharters.com for more articles and charter information. I may be reached via email at [email protected] or by phone 239-357-6829 for immediate assistance.

“The Spanish Mackerel and Pompano bites are picking up.” Says Captain Terry

(Ft. Myers Beach to Charlotte Harbor) Last week’s fishing continued to produce some decent back-country fishing for all of my clients. Some bait fish remained in the area allowing me to throw the cast net for baits to feed the Snook and Redfish. Pictured here is Mr. Blaine Duncan of Saskatoon, SK. (Canada) holding his first Redfish catch here in SW Florida.


The Seatrout bite is good, but I am still looking for some bigger ones which become more plentiful on the flats during the winter months. Mr. David Whitaker of Tennessee is pictured holding a nice Seatrout caught under a cork with live shrimp while here at a corporate sponsored ‘outing’ with the Vantacore group, based in Philadelphia.


The Spanish Mackerel and Pompano bites are picking up. Mr. Barry Fink of Pittsburgh, PA is pictured holding his first Spanish Mackerel. His friend Jason Jumonville, of Baton Rouge, LA., is holding a large Pompano that he had the pleasure to fight and land on light tackle. Both Barry and Jason were with the Vantacore group as well.


Sheepshead, Flounder and Mangrove Snappers will round out the balance of the back-country species. Recent, cooler water temps will attract the bigger Sheepshead and small pieces of shrimps or fiddler crabs will be the key to catching these fighting, tasty morsels, sometimes referred to as ‘poor man(s) lobster’.

Offshore, the King Mackerel bite is on as well as good bottom fishing for grouper and Snappers. Grouper should begin coming into the back- country pot holes, since the water temperature is rapidly dropping due to the early cold fronts this year.

Warmer forecasts for the coming week should provide lots of opportunity to get on the water and fish. Fishing should remain good for the species mentioned above. Until the next report this is Captain Terry Fisher of Fish Face Charters wishing everyone ‘tight lines’! Charter information may be obtained on line at www.fishfacecharters.com or by calling or emailing me directly at 239-357-6829 or [email protected]. Those wanting boating and/or fishing instructions, feel free to inquire as to ‘special’ hourly rates on your vessel. This will help you to have more relaxed and confidence when boating or fishing.

“The Redfish ‘bite’ has been good on large shrimps” says Captain Terry

(Ft. Myers Beach to Charlotte Harbor) Last week’s ‘full moon’ cycle produced some good fishing for most species. Notwithstanding that Snook season closed, many of my charter clients hooked and landed a number of them in our search for Redfish. Bait fish remained in the area and the Snook took advantage of several ‘free-line’ presentations. I am pictured with one of the Snook I caught on one of my ‘off’ days while in search of new locations. Needless to say, I found a good ‘spot’.

Terry's Tide Snook

The Redfish ‘bite’ has been good on large shrimps and cut pinfish as well as soft artificial presentations for clients able to cast under the mangroves. Pictured here is Tom Moslander of Illinois and his daughter, Maria of Cape Coral. Both fish were caught in the ‘back country’ on a jig head loaded with large shrimp on an outgoing tide.

Tom's RedfishMaria's Redfish

Fishing this week may slow a bit as the cool front arrives. My advice is to get out early in the week, work the tides with moving water (either incoming or outgoing). Cooler water should start producing bigger Seatrout on the ‘flats’ and bigger Sheepshead on structures.

Until next report, this is Captain Terry Fisher of Fish Face Charters wishing everyone, ‘tight lines’. Charter information may be obtained by calling me at 239-357-6829 or email; [email protected]. Check out my website; www.fishfacecharters.com for more information, articles and fishing tips!

“The canals are full of Snook and they are biting!” Says Fishin’ Frank

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Several people are saying thanks for the Snook fishing over the last few nights. Just when you think you know the rules about fishing, something new comes along. Did you know that right after a front, the bite should shut off for a while? This last front was a good one. I would have thought the fishing would have been slow for at least 2 days, however it was slow for about 5 hours and then the darkness came and the Snook bite was back on.

The canals are full of Snook and they are biting! I caught four on the light Pink Rock port head with a Crème tail White or Chartruse, 20 pound floro leader.

I hope you enjoyed the day with your family! A little exercise is good after a big meal, so hopefully you were able to walk the piers with your rod and catch a few Snook. This will help your heart rate, and then you can say ‘Honey, I am doing this for my health’!

Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Fishin Frank

Captain Terry Says “I am forecasting a good week of fishing due to warm temperatures and full moon cycle.”

(Ft. Myers Beach to Charlotte Harbor) Last week and prior to the cold front of Thanksgiving Day my charters produced a number of catches, including big Snook, Seatrout, Jack Crevalle and Redfish. The Snook and Jack Crevalle preferred the white baits over Pinfish and Shrimps, while the Redfish chose the opposite. With the water temperatures cooling, the opportunity to cast nets for white bait and greenies will begin to diminish. Hopefully, the cooler temperatures we are experiencing over the Thanksgiving weekend, will not push these bait fish farther south before the new year, but that is being very optimistic. The good news is that rising temperatures are forecasted and a full moon phase approaches. I plan on remaining steadfast in my approach over the next few days, so long as the bait fish remain.

Pictured here is one of my favorite ‘junior’ anglers, Nick Addy (12) of Clinton Township, Michigan, holding one of many Snook he caught. I recently had the pleasure of taking Nick, his father (Steve) and his grandfather (Jim), out to catch a number of large Snook, huge Jack Crevalles and Mangrove Snappers. Our method was free-lining the bait fishes on circle hooks and all three anglers boated their share of the bounty. Great job gentlemen. Iook forward to a repeat next season!


I am forecasting a good week of fishing due to warm temperatures and full moon cycle. Remember to work the tides on the top half of the incoming and outgoing for best results.

This is Captain Terry Fisher of Fish Face Charters, hoping everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving and ‘tight lines’! Charter information may be obtained at www.fishfacecharters.com or via email to [email protected]. My cell number is 239-357-6829 for those wanting immediate assistance.