Mark's Good TroutMark SNOOK 10-13(Ft. Myers Beach to Charlotte Harbor) Last week proved ‘hard’ fishing because of the low morning, outgoing tides and north/northeast winds blowing out water from the ‘back country’, preventing access to a lot of good fishing spots. Nonetheless, my charters produced some nice fish in spite of the cold front that passed through. The fish ‘lay-low’ during the morning following the temperature drop, but by the end of that day, my afternoon charter client, Mr. Mark Ballard of Dyer, Indiana proved his angling abilities by landing a 31” Snook and a 24” Seatrout (both pictured here) on the river side around Shell Island.

Dads Redfish 10-13Later in the week, I fished the northern end of Pine Island Sound (Pineland) with my father-in-law (Bill Kern of Wentzville, Missouri) and found a few fish on the top of the outgoing tide, in and around the deeper mangrove cuts. The winds continued to plague the day but Bill was still successful catching several species, including the Redfish pictured here.

This week will ‘front’ a new moon, but those fishing the flats and backcountry during the day will have to work the lower of the two high tides. So long as the cold fronts stay away and the winds allow, fishing could be good for both inshore and offshore.

Check out my website for more articles and charter information. Feel free to contact me by phone number 239-357-6829 or email me at [email protected].

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Captain Terry says “Fishing has been real good with Pilchards.”
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Captain Terry says “I expect good fishing all of this week during the ‘full moon’ cycle.”