Collier officials warn boat owners about thefts


COLLIER COUNTY, Fla.- With so many boats around, criminals are always close-by. From brazen boat burglars in Sarasota, just hooking up a truck to a trailer and taking off with a 29 footer. To kayak thieves in Naples, loading a 13 foot kayak into a truck on Gulfshore Boulevard South, police say you’re a target. Not just the boat, but what you own on it.

“The criminal knows what it’s coming for, it’s like shopping.”

Electronics and other valuables on board are particularly appealing. Tuesady night the Marine Industry Association of Collier County and other law enforcement and business groups tried to get the word out about the thefts.

“Take pictures of your equipment, put a name or a code on it, record the serial numbers, basic crime prevention techniques.”

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(via Wink News)