Last week’s forecast was pretty much ‘on target’ with fish starting to be more active than previously. I expect more of the same this week, especially with the extended warm water temperatures. My clients and I had more than our share of larger Spanish Mackerels, a couple of Pompano together with a whole lot of Seatrout. I am attaching a picture of my friend (Mr. Du Wayne Traut with a nice Sea-‘trout’ recently taken in Matlacha Pass on the top half of an incoming tide using a live shrimp on the bottom.
In addition to the mild cold front predicted later this week (together with the warmer water temperatures mentioned above), the ‘bite’ should pick up prior to this coming Thursday (Feb. 14) in time for Valentine’s Day! So I recommend if you have the time, plan on going fishing now!
Until next week, this is Captain Terry Fisher inviting you to call me at 239-357-6829 or email me at [email protected] to request a charter. Check out my fishing articles at my website;
Because of the water temps going up and down I would be ready for plan “B”. If the flats aren’t doing well, I would head to the mouths of the canals. Have some different bait. Shrimp, Fiddlers, White bait, whatever you can get.
There are no solid rules with the way the water is changing right now. One day or morning it is all shrimp. Then bang, it’s changed and they are eating white bait. Or maybe fish in the morning and shrimp later. If the weather stays steady for a while then you can get handle on what’s going on bait wise.
What a great day to be in Southwest Florida, especially if you like Tank top shorts and flip flops.
Yes, the weather is warm, it’s sunny and the fish are starting to really bite. Yes, the Florida mountains ranges are visible all over the Harbor and there is even bait fish showing up at the markers and on the flats on both side of the Harbor.
Weird thing here “Besides me” I used to always toss out any Skip jack “Leather Jacket”. In the net, I would these stinging little bait fish. If you grab them around the body, they have stingers and their belly and back. While not deadly they will light you up. I have tried them for bait over the Years and no real luck. Now for some reason they are great Trout bait! Yes Dracula likes them hitting the skip jack before a white bait or a shrimp?????
Now I am confused. I know most all of the rules about fishing, what to do, what works, how to rig. But I am really starting to think no one told the fish what the rules are. Al Gore I believe was right. It is warm, beautiful and January so why should the Trout be eating Skip jacks?? So enjoy the view. Catch some trout either side of the Harbor or for some bigger trout try 41 or I-75 bridges.
Where are the fish? Good question, But a key is also asking when.
For instance, Ponce De Leon park is loaded with fish. Sheeps head, Snook, Red fish, Jacks. But the trick is to catch the last half of the incoming tide. It seems they have somewhere else to be on the incoming, but load up in the canal during the out going.
Winter time on the waters in SW Florida may be ‘the right place, the right time’ for anglers to realize their dream of a ‘trophy’ fish. ‘Winter- fishing’ is only more difficult because we must deal with the elements such as wind, cooler temperatures. Additionally, the lower tides discourage or prevent many from navigating through ‘skinny’ waters to get to the ‘holding’ and ‘feeding’ areas of the fish. The fish are still out there, one ‘simply’ has to locate them and then ‘slow down’ the presentation, be it artificial, live or cut baits.
Winter time on SW Florida waters does not reduce the opportunities for ‘flats’ or ‘back country’ anglers. I will argue that there is more opportunity when considering the migratory patterns of Pompano, Spanish, King, Ceros Mackerels, Cobia and Grouper and other species as they relocate into shallower domains (I caught a couple of nice groupers off the backside of Chino Island a few weeks ago in about 12 ft. of water). These fish would not normally be found there during the warmer months. It is true however, that the huge Redfish have moved ‘off-shore’ (up to about 20 miles or so) but there are still plenty up to about 34 inches when you find them.
Additionally, species such as big Seatrout, Flounder and Sheepshead are more accessible and provide more opportunity this time of year. The Crevalle Jacks always provide a lot of excitement and like Snook are always found in the canals. I am including a picture of a nice Crevalle Jack caught by my friend’s son, Matt Volski of Cape Coral while home from college on Christmas break. Unfortunately, I did not take a picture of the 26 inch Snook caught by his friend on the same outing who was on leave from the Navy and currently stationed at Mayport in Jacksonville, Florida. As a ‘Jar Head’, I thank him for his service to our country.
Recently on a beautiful ‘winter’ day, my 1st Mate Vicki and I took to the Sanibel Lighthouse and a little offshore to spin cast and fly fish for Spanish Mackerel. The birds showed us the way, just as they will all up and down Pine Island Sound. We could not get them released fast enough to satisfy our ‘hunger’. During the ‘chaos’, Vicki (using a spin-cast) mentioned seeing and feeling a big ‘King Mackerel’ slap her ‘jig’ with terrific force. Unfortunately a few minutes later when my guard was down, one ‘slammed’ my ‘Clauser’ fly with unexpected force. My fingers burned when trying to slow the run. I dropped my hand to slow the spool, but without gloves the burning friction forced me to try and stop the reel only to have the handle bruise my hand. I lost that battle, as I was not thinking of such a ‘giant’ taking such a small presentation (I should have known better).
The coming week could provide some opportunities mentioned above. If the wind forecasts are accurate, there should be plenty of opportunity to get out there and give it a go. If you have any questions or want to book a charter, give me a call at 239-357-6829 or email me at [email protected]. This is Captain Terry Fisher of Fish Face Charters wishing you a great time on the water. Check out my website at for additional information.
Jacks are back in the Harbor, as feisty and uncivilized and wanting to fight, as I am. Watch the sand bars down from 2 pines up to Pirate Harbor. Keep in mind the Jacks are looking for fast moving shallow baits, If you have a shrimp on the line, no sinker is better. Free line and fast retrieve, If you have a sinker on your line add a bobber / poppin cork and again reel fast. Jacks scare the bait fish and get them in a frenzy so slow or still baits are not what they are used to seeing. Make your bait or lure quick noisy and fast.
Trout fishing for a meal is cool, but a good size Jack makes it a day to remember.
The warm weather and low winds provided a lot of opportunity to get out on the water to enjoy catching and releasing a number of different species both off-shore and back-bay areas. My 1st Mate Vicki and I had a couple of days of quality time off the eastern tip of Sanibel Island catching Spanish Mackerel on light spinning tackle with jigs and fly rods. I hooked up a big Ceros Mackerel only to have my hand burned with both line and reel when trying to slow down the ‘run’. We ‘cruised’ the crab trap buoy lines with the sun to our backs and free-lined shrimp to Triple Tails and motored our bay boat to some close-by reef locations to catch a few Sheepshead, Snappers along with a variety of other species using Shrimp and Pinfish. If next week’s moderate wind forecasts are accurate, one may expect more of the same when ‘hunting’ the above species.
‘Back-bay’ charter trips are producing Spanish Mackerel on jigs with live shrimp as well as a couple of Pompano (the picture of my client Roy from Atlanta, Ga., planned on cooking this big Pompano for his wife ‘Jimmy’ for their 11th Anniversary dinner while vacationing on Sanibel Island). There are plenty of Mangrove Snappers and Flounder waiting to be fed and provide some ‘non-stop’ action. Unfortunately, I have had trouble finding schools of Seatrout over the last couple of days and I am somewhat puzzled as to why; especially with the warmer weather and water temperatures. Nonetheless, I am confident that the bite will pick up soon.
Until next week, this is Captain Terry Fisher of Fish Face Charters wishing you ‘happy times’ on the water. If you have any questions or want to book a charter, simply give me a call at 239-357-6829 or email me at [email protected]. Check out my website to review recent catches as well as weekly and monthly published articles.
The cold fronts with the winds have created some havoc for fishing but this is winter time and is to be expected. Just be sure and layer up to withstand the morning and evening temperatures. I have had quite a lot of success catching Spanish Mackerel and Pompano off of the lighthouse of Sanibel Island, Redfish and North Captiva Passes when the weather permits. These fish are easy to spot when the ‘feed is on’, as the birds of prey target the bait fish being pushed to the surface by the migratory game fish.
Just off the Intercoastal, big Specks are on the flats in about 3 ½ ft. to 6 ft. of water. Patience is the key to catching these nice fish once you have found their holding area (see photo of 23” ‘Speck’ caught by one of my clients). However, impatient fishermen or ‘fisher-ladies’ should try trolling the flats with shallow running lures to locate the fish before anchoring or drifting. Like trout, the Redfish are also holding in the deeper pot holes and are more active with the sun being out to warm the waters. Snook are receptive to white baits and artificial baits along the cuts of the islands together with some current. Flounder are on sand/hard bottoms in good sizes. There are some Sheepshead and Gray Snapper around bridge structures and docks all along Pine Island Sound and Matlacha Pass, but I think the best is still yet to come these next few weeks.
Off shore, the Triple Tail, Mackerel, Snappers, Groupers and kings are awaiting a presentation. The winds will dictate any chance of a nice fishing trip.
In closing, this is Captain Terry Fisher of Fish Face Charters wishing you a Happy New Year! Be sure and contact me at [email protected] or via phone 239-357-6829 to schedule a successful fishing trip or to answer any questions that you may have. My website should provide most of the answers at
Confused? I bet! The fish are feeling the same way. Hot, cold, warm, cool, is this any way to run a planet? I know, no one like these cold snaps, this is Florida, and it is supposed to be warm & sunny,
The great thing about the cold is that when the gulf starts getting in the 60’s this cooler temp is uncomfortable to the fish, so they head into the Harbors bays and creeks/ canals. The back water has a brown color and most of the bottom is black with muck or grass. Brown water + black bottom = solar collector. The water warms very quickly and the fish know this. So into the back waters they travel, much in the same way People do, If you live in Ohio and it is 10 degrees, You know it is in the 70’s or 80’s in Florida So where you gonna go?
People or fish all like to be comfortable, and cold weather means fish in the harbor and the fishin’, is very good. Trout have moved into the harbor, thick around Pirate Harbor, Alligator creek, Cape Haze the mouth of bull bay, and along Bay shore.
Red fish are biting from 16 inches to 38 inches, the outside of the bar in front of Turtle & Bull bay, the Jug creek shoals , to the mouth of the Peace River. Both the east & west sidebars have Reds on them, not as much under the trees as out on top of the bars. Look for patches of grass/weeds in a little deeper hole / pocket there are Reds laying there. You can’t really see them as their backs blend nicely with the color of the grass, but cast a spoon or jig past the hole and slowly bring it back through it, hang on the hit is hard and the fish are active and ready to fight.
Cobia are also here in the Harbor and near shore reefs. The cool to cold weather should have moved them, but here they are. The one thing, they are close to the surface baking in the sun, so watch for the dorsal fin of a Cobia while you are fishing, a Johnson gold minnow slowly reeled right in front of it’s nose will do the trick and the fight is on.
Another truth is; we need these cold spells to knock down the algae and fungus, and general funk which builds up in hot water. When it warms up a bit and you get out onto the water you will see clearer, cleaner water. Bacteria and algae are levels are much lower. Without the cold, we would end up with massive fish kills. What you say? Massive fish kills? No, not like you see on the T.V. news. Those are B.S. only bigger larger fish. Oh how terrible? Well not really. To tell the truth, they are not that important. They have already spawned many times and the fish, like me, are looking more at the end of their life not the beginning. They make great film footage and everyone exclaims how terrible, but the real the bad and the awful is what I am talking about.
The fish less than 6 inches long. The forgotten ones. The next generation. Funny, if someone kills an old dog or cat, well they lived a good life, sad but still maybe a kind thing for the animal. But kill a puppy or a kitten and you will be lynched from the nearest street light, and sent to a special place in hell. With fish, not so much. Kill a tiny/baby fish no one cares. Kill an old, ready to die, barnacled up fish and you will be lynched. Who started thinking this was good or normal? The young breed better, they do not pass along genetic defects and they are just more into it.
No matter, fish, people, or animals, us older ones, well we like the thought but are much less likely to do anything about it. And according to the most recent study’s maybe we should not let older creatures pass more defective genes to their offspring. On the other hand maybe a fish with fingers would be a good thing, or a tail like a monkey they could hold onto a rock with their tail while you tried to land them. This however is what people want fish to do? I don’t get it.
The cold weather kills a lot of the algae and bacteria which builds up in the water and then lowers the oxygen to the point that smaller fish cannot survive. So this has been a long winded way of saying the cold is good, even though me, I could do without it. I live in Florida because I like it warm. I like seeing snow on T.V. it is pretty there.
But to save the next generation of fish, I will put up with it for a few days.
I ran a few charters last week and had a lot of success catching, Spanish Mackerel, Pompano and larger than normal Seatrout. The Spanish Mackerel and Pompano provided lots of action around Point Ybel, Punta Rassa, St. James City and all the way to Jug Creek Shoal on the northern end of Pine Island. They prefer bays, points of islands and passes that provide ‘rip’ and strong currents with lots of bait fish to eat. I was using anything from live shrimp to ‘Silly Willies’ to catch these aggressive fish. Watch for the feeding birds and the surface action. The Seatrout have been larger than normal, with many caught in the 19 inch to 21 inch range. I have had most of the big trout success in 3ft.-5ft. depths around Wulfert Keys, Chino Island and other grass flats that are close to a sand bar protecting an adjacent estuary.
Offshore, there are Triple Tail, Cobia, Mackerel and Pompano along the beaches of the outer islands. Using the sun to my back, I have witnessed a lot of bird and feeding activities while cruising for these species. It has been an exciting week with the fish anticipating the coming cold front. In this regard, I suggest that after the cold front passes and the winds subside (around Christmas Day), the fishing should be fairly good.
This is Captain Terry Fisher and 1st Mate Vicki wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday! If you have any questions or want to get in on the ‘action’, contact me at 239-357-6829 or email to [email protected].